Storytelling – bringing people together

Thomas Bakk - Storyteller

Thomas Bakk – Storyteller

Maria do Rosario with Thomas Bakk

Maria do Rosario with Thomas Bakk

On Sunday 10th March in the Casa do Povo in Santa Estevao, a few people met together to listen to the Brazilian storyteller Thomas Bakk.  He is a passionate, funny, clever storyteller who engages the audience by occasionally involving them in the story.  He tells stories, with his body and face.  He has a big grin and large eyes which hold your attention.   He sings and plays a tambourine as the stories progress.  He creates a relaxed friendly atmosphere.  He also provides opportunities for the audience to come forward and tell their stories.  One woman Maria do Rosario told old stories from the village.

Maria Tolentina explained her herb book

Maria Tolentina explained her herb book

Another woman Maria  Tolentinna shared a book she has had published about local herbs.  She is known locally as a “Benzedetras”.  A wise woman who uses herbs to heal.

Thomas has been recorded on youtube in 2007.  It is well worth watching.  Thomas Bakk part 1 and part 2  The video is in Brazilian Portuguese.  It is the performance that tells the story.